Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Annotated Bibliography Mental Health - 3645 Words

Annotated bibliography 1. Rationale Mental health is a complex phenomenon that consists of a range of diagnoses, treatments and outcomes. Recovery from such experiences has historically meant to completely remove all symptoms of illness, but is now currently thought of as regaining a sense of control over and development of a new meaning and purpose in one’s life, rather than feeling defined by the illness. Each individual understands it in their own personal way, likened to a journey towards self-determination, choice, and empowerment. Research suggests that recovery is nurtured by positive relationships. These relationships encapsulate those with friends, family, service providers and connections with their personal community and culture. Such connections support individuals in becoming more than their â€Å"mental illness† identity. Important in fostering these connections are concepts of treating people with dignity, compassion and understanding. However, as highlighted by the Time to Change initiative, media depictions have continued to portray mental health in stigmatising ways. Research has suggested the media continues to present false, misleading, stereotyped and negative information to the public about mental health. This occurs through various media sources, including newspaper articles, films and portrayals of mental illness in TV programs. Studies suggest individuals tend to feel more isolated, stigmatised and exiled from their community as a result.Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography : Mental Health And Incarceration Essay973 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Bibliography: Mental Health and Incarceration Cole Leaf University of Alaska Anchorage English A111 Friday 1-3:30 Hawthorne, W. B., Folsom, D. P., Sommerfeld, D. H., Lanouette, N. M., Lewis, M., Aarons, G. A., Jeste, D. V. (2012). 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