Monday, December 23, 2019

The Immigration Of The United States Government - 1692 Words

Jamie Bastide Professor Luna Mas/Hist 142-501 6 October 2015 Hispanic Immigration There was once a time when people moved freely across the border between Mexico and the United States. Though there were random patrols along this border, it wasn’t until 1924, when the Border Patrol was created, that there was any real authority over who went where. Jumping ahead to present times, people are crying out for more and more security on our borders, not only to keep out threats of terrorism, but to keep out illegal immigrants as well. Racism and discrimination play a part in the objections, but this has not changed since before the southwest became part of the United States. Many Hispanics just want the opportunity of the American dream, and are†¦show more content†¦IRCA was also intended to penalize employers who hired illegal immigrants. If no one hired undocumented workers, they would stop coming. This too was riddled with fraud however. â€Å"The easy availability of fraudulent documents had also severely undermined the governmen t’s ability to show the â€Å"knowing† hire of unauthorized workers† (Meissner 6). Though a national ID system has been talked about, it has not come to fruition, and not only because of the cost. People on both sides, employers and employees alike, have stated that this could lead to more discrimination and racial profiling, and can be used against any undocumented worker as a threat (Echaveste 11). Many options have been batted about congress on how to supply workers to seasonal farmers, yet keep the illegal immigration population to the minimum. A guest worker program, little used by farmers, allows immigrants to come to work if there is a shortage of workers here in the United States and it doesn’t affect similar U.S. workers (Martin 2). Farmers complain about the strictures on this program however, and have been asking for something more workable. There are three distinct options to fulfill the needs of the employers. A guest worker program, a legaliz ation program, or a combination of both. In the guest worker program, the worker would come to the U.S., work for an allotted time, then sent back home. Option two allows undocumented workers that are already here to follow a plan to become legal workers, but

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